The size of Kuwait's reserves came into question in 2006 when a leaked memo from the Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) reported by Petroleum Intelligence Weekly that national reserves of were some 48 billion barrels. The data was produced at the end of 2001 by state-owned Kuwait Oil Co. (KOC) and based on the findings of its reserves management committee. The total includes the whole of Kuwait plus its share of the Neutral Zone shared with Saudi Arabia, which is referred to in Kuwait as the Divided Zone (DZ). These barrels are split roughly 50-50 between "proven" reserves -- those with a 90% certainty of being produced -- and "nonproven," which is assumed to be a combination of probable and potential. The total figure is more than 75% lower than Kuwait's official proven reserves of 101.5 billion bbl. [1] [2]
Kuwait produces about 2.6 million barrels per day (410×10^3 m3/d) which translates to a reserves-to-production ratio of about 100 years
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